Monday, October 13, 2008

Another week of univ (the third now) ... Generally I find it to be really cool, but then, there is this bullshit that we get fed up with. Like, for instance, one of the teachers, in the chemistry class, just starts bubbling some quantum physics crap, but she does not even know where the hell is that son of a bitch of electron. Then you just go to this `problem session`, which is actually, as galerant nicely put it in his article about Spore, `a steaming pile of crap`.
Except for this issue with the Chem department, it is quite well. But still, the God damn engineering ethics is a bitch :)
The best class İ could fınd `till now is Humanities, but İ will have a special category for that one in the next articles as İ want to introduce you to the debates that actually are taking place there.
Until next time, just don`t die, people, ok? :)

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