Thursday, November 13, 2008

Street lights and private life

I was coming from the university last week, on Friday. it was already six o'clock, so it got dark by then. I got off the bus and started walking the couple hundred meters to my dorm. Suddenly, as I was just looking meaninglessly around I observed something that took me by surprise. Firstly it took me by surprise because for a month and a half I didn't observe it. It was about the street lights. This might seem quite trivial to a lot of people, but as I am somehow interested in amator astronomy, I have at least heard about the "light pollution" problem. That is, street lights that disperse light over the horizontal plane, estompating the night-sky. But in Istanbul, on my rather not-that-central street, I saw the ideal street lights. You might laugh at me, but as an actual East-European, I have never see such kind of lights until now. But I couldn't restrain myself from comparing the relative simplicity of adopting new technical ideas (such as the street-lights matter) and the seamingly immense stress provoked even by the slightest try of changing someone's beliefs or moral actions.
I mean, in Turkey, as I could see by now, there is no problem in accepting all technological advances of humanity (although many of them were obtained through more or less "ethical" research procedures, and lead to more or less "ethical" human actions or consequences), but there seems to be a problem in accepting each individual's real possibility of taking care of his/her own life.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Humanities Intro

Yesterday I talked to my Humanities teacher and asked if he agrees with the lesson discussions publishing, and he said it is pretty cool as long as I don't "denaturate the truth"... That will not be a problem, as I do not intend to try convincing you of the reliability of some concepts but merely state and explain what I consider to be some original conclusions we got to during our debates. By original do not understand ideas expressed for the first time, that is utterly impossible these days, with so many people having nothing else to do but contemplating the others :)) . I'm rather reffering to conclusions that came out of somehow unrelated statements, unusual connections made between old ideas. It is like refreshing the human memory, if you wish :D .
I am going to present each debate in at most three articles, because I don't want them to be fragmented to much, but still, they are quite long, so I cannot use only one article for each (that is, I am giving this explanation so you won't think I am just trying to get as many articles as possible from one idea, as many proffesional journalists or scientists do these days :) ).
I am currently organizing my work.. so I hope the first article in this series will be published, let's say... 2 days from now.
Stay tuned! ;)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I love my university:X:X:X

Guys, I just realised what the yersterday's pranck was actually all about: Youtube works only in my university network!!! I guess they rebelled and just installed OpenDns or smth like that to "provide freedom to their pupils"!! I love this place:x
I am just sitting here, in the main campus, on a wooden bench, with a cup of coffee next to me wondering when all things will gonna work out like this... Well, I guess I should just be happy with what I got for now :)
'Till next time, stay alive and well, mates!

Monday, October 13, 2008

... only for couple of hours X(

I guess it was only a breach in their ban (they're not even smart enough to ban something...), so it lasted for only a couple of hours. Now it shows again that stupid message that I can't even understand:
Kill'em All!!!!

Youtube unbanned in Turkey!!!!

Yuhuhuuuu!!! Loving Mother of Jesus frackin`Christ!!!!! Youtube got unbanned TODAY!!! AHAHAA, it seems that after all, European Union really means smth to this country... That is good to know for dealing with the authorities after they read this (:> joking of course... I don`t have that many readers)!
Anyway, people, from now on you can send youtube links to me cause I can enjoy again the bright light of FREEDOM!!!
Another week of univ (the third now) ... Generally I find it to be really cool, but then, there is this bullshit that we get fed up with. Like, for instance, one of the teachers, in the chemistry class, just starts bubbling some quantum physics crap, but she does not even know where the hell is that son of a bitch of electron. Then you just go to this `problem session`, which is actually, as galerant nicely put it in his article about Spore, `a steaming pile of crap`.
Except for this issue with the Chem department, it is quite well. But still, the God damn engineering ethics is a bitch :)
The best class İ could fınd `till now is Humanities, but İ will have a special category for that one in the next articles as İ want to introduce you to the debates that actually are taking place there.
Until next time, just don`t die, people, ok? :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I am back to destroy thy ilussions...

Back after two months. I had to reconstruct some of myself as some of the old one was crumbling in the light of new discoveries.
I decided I should bring something new here too, so from now on some of my ideas will speak english. :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

La revedere

Avand in vedere ca o sa lipsesc un timp, m-am gandit sa-mi iau la revedere intr-un mod cat de cat acceptabil...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Beijing 2008

Am urmarit astazi festivitatea de deschidere a celei de-a 29-a editie a Olimpiadei. Un spectacol maret, realizat de o natiune MAREata... O combinatie de trecut, prezent si speram, si de viitor. Arta si stiinta chinezeasca antica, precursoare celei europene in marea majoritate a domeniilor, elemente de cultura contemporana si un indemn la unitate. Asta m-a dus cu gandul la Olimpiadele din antichitate, cand orice razboi era oprit pe durata lor, din respect pentru divinitate si pentru omenire. Acum traim in modernitate, nu mai credem in astfel de "bazaconii" si deci putem continua sa bombardam si sa (ne) aruncam in aer...
Succes Romania, si sa avem o Olimpiada frumoasa!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Doamnelor si domnilor, vom lua o scurta pauza pentru a gusta un calup de publicitate. Va spun eu, merita;)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pentru cei care cred ca lumea e o conspiratie...

...sunt complet de acord cu voi. TOTUL E O CONSPIRATIE!! Mai mult decat atat, am hotarat sa dau totul in vileag. Asa ca ma voi prezenta si eu in fata incisivei opinii publice cu o serie de dezvaluiri socante despre evenimentele care au schimbat istoria si ale caror circumstante au fost grosolan musamalizate de GUVERN... Sa nu mai lungim... va prezint Iepurasul Malefic!! Da, el e responsabil si pentru Hiroshima, si pentru faptul ca Obama a declasat-o pe Hillary si chiar si casele alea, tot el le-a construit pe malul Siretului... Stay tuned ;)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Era odata (pe cand avea ursu' coada) un iepuras. Alb. Intr-o zi, cum mergea el prin padure, il vede pe urs dormind la umbra unui pom. Iepurasul priveste ranjind spre camera, isi arata in soare incisivu' precum castorul din reclama la pasta de dinti, si se indreapta prin 'sarituri silentioase' spre urs. Deschide larg (cat de larg poate un iepuras dragalas) boticul si... hartz...hartz...hartz... incepe sa rontaie coada ursului. Asta mormaie violent prin somn (avea probabil vreun cosmar cu albine) dar se trezeste abia cand din coada lui mai ramasese ciotul pe care il are si azi. Insa Iepurasul nu intra in panica. Pana se dezmeticeste ursul, el priveste in jur si multumeste Providentei ca i-a adus in cale pe Vulpe. Cand ursul, in sfarsit, vazu prapadul din partea sa dorsala (ca pe atunci ursii mergea in doua labe si puteau sa-si intoarca capul la 180 de grade), incepu sa urle cu cel mai infricosator urlet al sau. Atunci Iepurasul il batu usor pe picior. Ursul se intoarse furiosspre el vrand sa-l omoare. Dar Iepurasul racni cat il tinea plamanul:
- Nene Urs, nene urs, nu daaa!! Uite, Vulpea ti-a rupt coada si a legat-o de a
ei. Stii cat e de vanitoasa si vrea sa aiba cea mai lunga coada din padure...
Ursul porni atunci intins catre Vulpe, care isi vedea linistita de drum. O ajunse, si, fara nici o introducere o snopi in bataie lasand-o fara cunostinta.


1. Daca esti mare nu inseamna ca esti si destept.
2. Daca esti mic, alb si dragalas nu inseamna ca esti si inocent.
3. Daca esti prost mai bine dormi iepureste.
4. Un prost si o jigodie sunt o combinatie periculoasa pentru oricine.
5. Daca cineva nu te poate musca de cur e foarte probabil ca o sa-ti rontzaie coada...


Iarba asta adica... ;)